Hello, I'm writing in reference to your Quantum Computing Stack Exchange account: https://quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/users/1974/rrtucci We noticed that a substantial proportion of your posts seem to exist only to promote your product or website. Per the help center: Be careful, because the community frowns on overt self-promotion and tends to vote it down and flag it as spam. Post good, relevant answers, and if some (but not all) happen to be about your product or website, so be it. However, you must disclose your affiliation in your answers. Also, if a huge percentage of your posts include a mention of your product or website, you're probably here for the wrong reasons. Our advertising rates are quite reasonable; contact our ad sales team for details. Any type of "astroturfing" promotion is not acceptable. It brings down the overall value of genuine recommendations for everyone on the site. If you can stay within the above guidelines, and offer questions and answers of genuine benefit to the community which happen to mention your affiliation or product in context -- and with full disclosure -- then your future contributions are welcome. To be clear - some of your answers which mention your own work are very useful, but you don't always cite your affiliation, and you also have posted one or two answers which cite Qubiter without really relating it to the question. We have gone through and made sure all of your answers have affiliation, and deleted a few as not an answer, all with comments to clarify which ones can be improved and which ones should just be left. Just as some examples of not great answers: this answer of yours doesn’t address the OP’s question which asks specifically for the solution in Qiskit. You also originally didn’t explain your affiliation with Qubiter. this can be undeleted once you expand on the solution Qubiter gives - please make sure to cite the solution given by Qubiter without using mostly links. Once it’s edited, it can be undeleted. Other similarly problematic answers have been commented on to explain what is wrong. Please let us know if you have any questions; you can ping us in chat (and we can make a private room to discuss) or you can respond to this message. Thank you for spending time on this site; hopefully you continue to find it useful. Regards, Quantum Computing Stack Exchange Moderation Team This email was sent from an unmonitored account. Do not reply directly to this email; if you feel this message is incorrect, please respond on Quantum Computing Stack Exchange here: https://quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/users/message/4#4. Click here to Reply or Forward 1 GB (6%) of 15 GB used Manage Terms · Privacy · Program Policies Last account activity: 0 minutes ago Details